Connect with others who share a traditional faith that comes alive. God is waiting… It’s time to come home.

The Global Methodist movement is in its early stages and is growing fast.
However, it’s not a new concept at all... Its core values and beliefs once lit the world on fire.
Let’s do it again.
Relearn and recommit to the historic theological core of Christian faith
Live out key Wesleyan values like discipleship and faith development
Disciple and share the Good News with authenticity and without apology
Actively engage in radical hospitality by loving and serving our neighbors
Worshiping together
Our passion is to make followers of Jesus Christ by building strong individuals and families who model Christian principles in every generation.
Community At The Center
Each weekend, we come together to celebrate who God is, study His Word, and engage in community. We’d love the opportunity to meet and grow with you.
Iron Sharpens Iron
We believe in Bible-based teaching that brings the Word into your head and heart. Iron sharpens iron, and we want you to ask the hard questions with us.

Community at the center
Come experience the joy of community and spiritual growth. We gather every weekend for worship and study and would love the opportunity for you to join us.
Discover the transformative power of God's Word through Bible-based teaching and our rich Wesleyan tradition. We encourage a supportive and challenging environment where you can ask questions and connect with others.
Investing in the next generation
Don’t fret, we’ve got you covered! Living Faith believes that children can love being at church by growing and learning with friends and leaders.
We have a specific children’s worship service and engaging Sunday school at 10:10am.

Learn More
Learn more about the Global Methodist Church and how we are impacting the world.
Diane W.
Jeff W.
Fred S.
A truly local church
We’re a truly local church located in the heart of Omaha. Join other like-minded believers every Sunday to grow together in God’s word and truth.